57 Church St, Pascoag, RI 02859

TumbleBook Library

The Pascoag Public Library invites you to access our Tumblebooks Library at home. Tumblebooks are interactive ebooks for children.

Use your library card to access an online collection of e-books for children, as well as games and puzzles.

  • TumbleBookLibrary - K-6 children's ebook database
    Username: tumble735
    Password: books
  • TumbleMath - K-6 math ebook database
    Username: tumble2020
    Password: A3b5c6
  • TeenBookCloud - gr 7-12 ebook database
    Username: tumble2020
    Password: A3b5c6
  • AudioBookCloud - all ages audio book database
    Username: tumble2020
    Password: A3b5c6
  • RomanceBookCloud - a huge collection of steamy Romance novels for the older crowd!
    Username: tumble2020
    Password: A3b5c6